

As of v1.7.0, the Granify Android SDK has introduced the initial infrastructure for inline campaigns. With the release of v2.0.0, the inline infrastructure has been completed and is now ready for full integration into your application(s).

Inline campaigns display via views embedded in your application’s user interface. Initially, these views are hidden, however, they will still exist within the layout and their height will be 0px. When activated, they are expanded with animation to reveal the campaign. They will usually contain a headline, a message, and potentially a Call To Action (CTA).

The process to display an inline campaign is as follows:

  1. When the activity is passed into the Granify Android SDK during the Granify.trackPageView(...) call, the SDK will search through the activity and identify all the GranifyInlineView elements that are present on the page.
  2. When a shopper matches to a campaign, our servers tell the SDK to display an inline campaign in a specific GranifyInlineView on the page for the user to see.
  3. The SDK will search through the available inline views and select the GranifyInlineView that the campaign will display in.
  4. The inline campaign initializes itself within the location and sets up its animator.
  5. The animator begins expanding the campaign and passes its current height during each animation frame to the expandHandler set on the location to allow for layout changes to be applied on every animation tick.
  6. If the inline needs to be dismissed (by the user or otherwise), a collapse handler is used with a similar mechanism as the expand handler. If the user navigates to another page the inline is prepared for redisplay should the user return to the page the inline was initially displayed on.


To enable the Granify SDK to display inline campaigns you must add at least one GranifyInlineView to your app. When a campaign is selected for display, the Granify SDK will look for an appropriate GranifyInlineView, load and insert the code for the campaign into the view, and display it.

Adding a GranifyInlineView requires the following 3 steps, which will be elaborated on in the respective sections:

  1. Add the GranifyInlineView to your UI
  2. Set the expand and collapse handlers on the GranifyInlineView through GranifyInlineView.setExpandHandler(expandHandler: GranifyInlineViewExpander) and GranifyInlineView.setCollapseHandler(collapseHandler: GranifyInlineViewCollapser)
  3. Set the label for the GranifyInlineView

The following sections will go through these steps in greater detail.

Adding a GranifyInlineView to your UI

To support inline campaigns, you will need to add a GranifyInlineView to every position on a page where it is desired for an inline to appear. The GranifyInlineView class extends FrameLayout and can be added to your user interface in the same way. In the most common case, a GranifyInlineView will not initially be visible in your UI. If you are using the layout editor the easiest way to achieve this is by setting the layout_height to 0.

The following are recommended constraints:

  • layout_height of 0
  • Horizontal constraints set to the start and end of the parent layout
  • The top of the GranifyInlineView is constrained to the bottom of the layout above
  • The bottom of the GranifyInlineView is constrained to the top of the layout below

An example of this layout in XML can be seen here for a product display page activity:

        tools:srcCompat="@tools:sample/avatars" />

        app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@id/productPageImageView" />

        app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/granifyInlineViewBelowProductImage" />

Please note that the above are only recommendations. The only requirements for an inline to be displayed in a GranifyInlineView are that they are initially 0px in height and can be expanded/collapsed via a handler. Your user interface may require different constraints to meet these conditions.

Additionally, Android ListView layouts are not supported for inlines. This is due to the remeasuring of the ListView and its items on every animation frame leading to poor performance of both the inline and your application. RecyclerView can be used as an alternative to ListView.

Setting GranifyInlineView Expand And Collapse Handlers

As mentioned in the previous section, a GranifyInlineView will not initially be visible in your UI. As a result, Granify requires clients to pass in two handlers:

  1. An expand handler of type GranifyInlineViewExpander that will expand the GranifyInlineView, allowing an inline campaign to appear. All fragments below the GranifyInlineView must accommodate the expansion and must be updated accordingly. The expanded height of the GranifyInlineView will be determined by Granify.
  2. A collapse handler of type GranifyInlineViewCollapser that will collapse the GranifyInlineView back to its initial state (height = 0px).

The following handlers must be passed in the onCreate() method of the current activity:

  • Expand handlers are passed through GranifyInlineView.setExpandHandler(expandHandler: GranifyInlineViewExpander)
  • Collapse handlers are passed through GranifyInlineView.setCollapseHandler(collapseHandler: GranifyInlineViewCollapser). These handlers are called on every tick of animation while the inline is expanding/collapsing and are passed the parameter height by the animator representing the current height of the inline view. The Granify SDK handles animation of the inlines internally. Do NOT add any additional animation handling.

If these handlers are not set in the GranifyInlineView, inlines cannot be displayed.

Here is an example in Kotlin of how the expand and collapse handlers can be written when using relative constraints (an example of which is shown above) for both the page layout and the elements around the GranifyInlineView (recommended):

    inlineView.setExpandHandler { granifyInlineView, height ->
        val params = granifyInlineView.layoutParams
        granifyInlineView.layoutParams = params.apply { this.height = height }
    inlineView.setCollapseHandler { granifyInlineView ->
        val params = granifyInlineView.layoutParams
        granifyInlineView.layoutParams = params.apply { this.height = height }

The implementation of the handlers may be different depending on the complexity of your application.

Setting the Label

GranifyInlineViewLabel identifies unique locations on a page and must not be duplicated within the same page.

The GranifyInlineViewLabel has 3 fields that make the label unique to a location on a page:

  • name: Required String
    • Identifies the associated GranifyInlineView. This field must be unique per location on an Activity. If an Activity containing a GranifyInlineView is reused for several pages only one unique label is required. The label must only be unique within a page, it can be used elsewhere within your application.
  • productId: Optional String
    • The ID of the associated product. Required when theGranifyInlineView is located on a product page, or on any page where the GranifyInlineView is associated with a specific product (e.g. inlines associated with a cart product).
  • sku: Optional String
    • This field is required when the associated GranifyInlineView is associated with a specific productID/sku combination. If a sku is specified, a productId must also be specified however a productId can be specified without a sku.

Multiple labels can exist on a single page and the name field will be used to uniquely identify them when the productId and sku fields are the same. For example, a product page for productId “Pants” with sku “Green” could have the following labels:

  • GranifyInlineView(name="aboveProductPhoto", productId="Pants", sku="Green")
  • GranifyInlineView(name="belowProductPhoto", productId="Pants", sku="Green")
  • GranifyInlineView(name="belowAddToCartButton", productId="Pants", sku="Green")

A GranifyInlineView located on a product page must (at minimum) use the name and productId parameters. The sku should also be provided where applicable.

On a cart page, a GranifyInlineView not associated with any product (for example at the top of the page) would only require the name field in the GranifyInlineViewLabel. However, if the GranifyInlineView was associated with a product in the cart, then the name and productId fields would be required. The sku field would also be required if there are multiple SKUs for that product. If these labels are not properly created, the inline display will not work properly.

A list of all GranifyInlineViewLabel in your application must be sent to your Granify Project Manager / Account Manager for us to create inline campaigns.

Do not change these label names without prior warning as this will break live campaigns.

Testing your GranifyInlineView

Because a GranifyInlineView is embedded into your user interface they must be tested extensively to make sure that expanding and collapsing them does not interfere with any of your other layouts.

To specify which location to attach an inline to while testing, the method Granify.overrideGranifyInlineView(label: String?) has been provided within the SDK. This method should be used exclusively during testing and allows for specifying a list of GranifyInlineViewLabel (in JSON) that will override the locations that Granify will use to display our inline campaigns. Also note that this list is ordered by priority and the first label within a page that matches in the list will be used for display.

If you would like to reset to the default behaviour of having Granify select the inline location, call Granify.overrideGranifyInlineView(label: String?) method with the label parameter set to null.

The label parameter of this method is a string of JSON which correlates to the GranifyInlineViewLabel fields in the format: "[{\"name\": \"LABEL_NAME\", \"product_id\": \"PRODUCT_ID\", \"sku\": \"PRODUCT_SKU\"}]"

Note that the JSON string here has three catches that can make troubleshooting difficult:

  • The product_id field in the JSON is all lowercase and contains an underscore while the productId field in the GranifyInlineViewLabel is camel case and does not contain any special characters.
  • The JSON string is an array of labels rather than just a single label to allow for specifying multiple inline locations that can be attached to when testing.
  • The product_id and sku fields can be set to null to act as a wildcard match to any GranifyInlineViewLabel that matches the name field. If just the sku field is set to null then any GranifyInlineViewLabels that match both the name and productId fields will be chosen for display.

Example Usage Scenario

Three new GranifyInlineView locations were added to a product page layout and a developer would like to test them to ensure the constraints and expand/collapse handlers behave as expected. The developer will go through the following steps:

  1. Double-check that the GranifyInlineView has its expand/collapse handlers and label set in the onCreate() method of the activity it will display in.
  2. Translate the GranifyInlineViewLabel that was set for each location into JSON. If the new labels were:
      GranifyInlineView(name="aboveProductPhoto", productId="Pants", sku="Green")
      GranifyInlineView(name="belowProductPhoto", productId="Pants", sku="Green")
      GranifyInlineView(name="belowAddToCartButton", productId="Pants", sku="Green")

    If you are targeting a location on a specific product/SKU, the product information needs to be included. From the GranifyInlineViewLabel above, they would translate to the following JSON for testing:

    {"name": "aboveProductPhoto", "product_id": "Pants", "sku": "Green"}
    {"name": "belowProductPhoto", "product_id": "Pants", "sku": "Green"}
    {"name": "belowAddToCartButton", "product_id": "Pants", "sku": "Green"}

    If the location is not product or SKU specific, the product details may be omitted from their respective fields. In this example, since both the product_id and sku fields were set to null, Granify will automatically match any GranifyInlineViewLabel that shares the same name field regardless of product.

    {"name": "aboveProductPhoto", "product_id": null, "sku": null}
    {"name": "belowProductPhoto", "product_id": null, "sku": null}
    {"name": "belowAddToCartButton", "product_id": null, "sku": null}

    Note: The sku field can also be omitted independently of the product_id field if testing a GranifyInlineViewLabel for a specific product where the SKU does not matter. However, product_id cannot be omitted if a sku is provided.

  3. Add the JSON for each field into an array so that it will then appear as:
    {"name": "aboveProductPhoto", "product_id": null, "sku": null},
    {"name": "belowProductPhoto", "product_id": null, "sku": null},
    {"name": "belowAddToCartButton", "product_id": null, "sku": null}
  4. Ensure that the JSON array can be translated into a string. Shown here is the array after escaping the quote characters and removing the newlines being assigned as the value to overrideLabelString as well as an unescaped string example for use within the method call in the next step.
    val overrideLabelString: String = "[{\"name\":\"aboveProductPhoto\",\"product_id\":null,\"sku\":null},{\"name\":\"belowProductPhoto\",\"product_id\":null,\"sku\":null},{\"name\":\"belowAddToCartButton\",\"product_id\":null,\"sku\": null}]"
    // If unescaped JSON is preferable then the following also works
    val overrideLabelString: String = """
     {"name": "aboveProductPhoto", "product_id": null, "sku": null},
     {"name": "belowProductPhoto", "product_id": null, "sku": null},
     {"name": "belowAddToCartButton", "product_id": null, "sku": null}
  5. Call the Granify.overrideGranifyInlineView(label: String?) method with the JSON string as the label parameter.
  6. Force match to an inline campaign (this will be provided by Granify to you during your installation) and navigate to the page to which the new inline locations have been added to.
  7. Observe as the campaign displays in the first label that was provided in the array, in this scenario this is a GranifyInlineView with the name field set to “aboveProductPhoto”

We recommend having a text box in a debug menu that calls Granify.overrideGranifyInlineView(label: String?) when the JSON object is input. Using this override makes any matched inline campaign appear in the GranifyInlineView with one of the GranifyInlineViewLabel that has been specified.

Inlines and Restricted States

Please note that inline campaigns are not affected by restricted states. They will not be hidden while in a restricted state.

See Granify.setRestrictionState(state: RestrictionState) for more information on how and when restriction states are set.


A few common scenarios and their solutions are listed below:

  • The inline view has been added to the layout and the expand/collapse/label have all been added to it in the onCreate() method but the campaign won’t display:
    • Check the LogCat output. Granify will log all the labels that it finds within an activity as well as the label it is searching for. This can aid in finding any typos or differences between labels.
    • Ensure the correct FragmentActivity is being passed into the call to Granify.trackPageView(...) and that the most recent call to it is for the FragmentActivity that you are currently on. Having the correct FragmentActivity is necessary for Granify to be able to find the right labels for a page and display an inline in them.
  • The steps in the previous scenario were followed and the label was found and selected for display but the campaign still doesn’t appear:
    • Double-check your constraints and expand/collapse handlers. The inline may be displaying, but it is covered by another element within the layout or the inline view is displaying outside the bounds of the screen.
  • The inline is finally displaying, but my application takes a large hit to performance while it’s expanding/collapsing:
    • Make sure that your expand/collapse handlers are very lightweight. There should be no logging or extraneous calculations within them because they are called on every animation tick. They should be responsible for nothing other than updating the layout based on the height of the GranifyInlineView as it expands/collapses.
  • The inline is now displaying correctly and is performant, but I don’t quite like to style of it/I have an idea for one that would be even cooler:
    • Talk to your Granify Project Manager / Account Manager about your concerns with the campaign and Granify will work with you to give you and your users the best experience that we can.