//Granify Android SDK/com.granifyinc.granifysdk.config/GranifyConfiguration


data class GranifyConfiguration@JvmOverloadsconstructor(val applicationContext: Context, val siteId: SiteIdentifier, val childSiteId: SiteIdentifier? = null, val codeVersion: String = "unknown")

The general configuration object used to gather all information needed to activate Granify.


GranifyConfiguration [androidJvm]
constructor(applicationContext: Context, siteId: SiteIdentifier, childSiteId: SiteIdentifier? = null, codeVersion: String = "unknown")


Name Summary
applicationContext [androidJvm]
val applicationContext: Context
The application context. This will be used to generate a preference file named ‘Granify’.
childSiteId [androidJvm]
val childSiteId: SiteIdentifier? = null
The 5-character (alpha-numeric, case sensitive) site identifier for the child site. This should be null in most cases. The exceptions are installs with parent and child sites; usually when a shared top-level domain exists across stores.
codeVersion [androidJvm]
val codeVersion: String
The version string of your application code. For example: 1.3.0 is a code version with 1 being the major version number, 3 being the minor, and 0 being the patch number.
siteId [androidJvm]
val siteId: SiteIdentifier
The 5-character (alpha-numeric, case sensitive) site identifier provided to you by your account executive.