//Granify Android SDK/com.granifyinc.granifysdk.models/ErrorType
enum ErrorType : Enum<ErrorType>
Types of errors that may be reported by the Granify SDK.
SDK_ALREADY_ACTIVATED | [androidJvm] SDK_ALREADY_ACTIVATED Reported when attempting to initialize the SDK more than once with activateGranify. |
SDK_NOT_ACTIVATED | [androidJvm] SDK_NOT_ACTIVATED Reported when incorrectly using a method that requires activateGranify to first be called. Refer to method documentation in the Granify class to determine which methods require an activated SDK. |
SDK_SHUTDOWN | [androidJvm] SDK_SHUTDOWN Reported when the SDK reaches a failure state. A failure state occurs when an unchecked error occurs in the SDK or when processing cannot be performed in soft real-time. |
CONFIGURATION_LOAD_FAILED | [androidJvm] CONFIGURATION_LOAD_FAILED Reported when loading the application’s configuration from the server failed. The configuration is loaded while processing a call to activateGranify. |
Name | Summary |
name | [androidJvm] val name: String |
ordinal | [androidJvm] val ordinal: Int |
Name | Summary |
valueOf | [androidJvm] fun valueOf(value: String): ErrorType Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.) |
values | [androidJvm] fun values(): Array<ErrorType> Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they’re declared. |