//Granify Android SDK/com.granifyinc.granifysdk.models/Order
data class Order@JvmOverloadsconstructor(val orderNumber: String, val lineItemsTotal: Price, val subtotal: Price, val totalTax: Price, val totalShipping: Price, val total: Price, val lineItems: HashMap<Product, Int>, val discountCodes: List<DiscountCode>, val financialStatus: String = defaultFinancialStatus, val currency: Currency = Currency.USD)
Represents an order placed on the site.
orderNumber | The unique identifier for this order. |
lineItemsTotal | The total value of all items in the cart before any discounts, taxes, and shipping, but after sale pricing. |
subtotal | The total value of the items in the order after discounts but before shipping or taxes. This should match the order total you use in your own analytics. |
totalTax | The total value of any taxes applied to this order. |
totalShipping | The total value of any shipping costs applied to this order. |
total | The total value of the order (after discounts) including shipping and taxes. |
lineItems | The products in the order and their corresponding ordered quantities. |
discountCodes | A list of discounts applied to this order. If no discounts are applicable, this must be an empty list. |
financialStatus | The payment status of the order. Use the provided parameter default ("paid" ) unless you want to send information about fraud or cancelled orders. |
currency | The local currency used for prices. |
Order | [androidJvm] @JvmOverloads constructor(orderNumber: String, lineItemsTotal: Price, subtotal: Price, totalTax: Price, totalShipping: Price, total: Price, lineItems: HashMap<Product, Int>, discountCodes: List<DiscountCode>, financialStatus: String = defaultFinancialStatus, currency: Currency = Currency.USD) Creates an Order instance with all the required order details. |
Name | Summary |
currency | [androidJvm] val currency: Currency |
discountCodes | [androidJvm] val discountCodes: List<DiscountCode> |
financialStatus | [androidJvm] val |
lineItems | [androidJvm] val lineItems: HashMap<Product, Int> |
lineItemsTotal | [androidJvm] val lineItemsTotal: Price |
orderNumber | [androidJvm] val orderNumber: String |
subtotal | [androidJvm] val subtotal: Price |
total | [androidJvm] val total: Price |
totalShipping | [androidJvm] val totalShipping: Price |
totalTax | [androidJvm] val totalTax: Price |